Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Shanghai Surprise

Well I may already have lung cancer. Just kidding Man, do they like cigarettes in China. I've already inhaled more second hand smoke than the last 6 months in Boston. Not kidding. The Pollution is remarkable. I have done a fair amount of travelling in my short life and have taken for granted the rest of the worlds understanding of English. ITs really cool to be here in that it is rare to find someone who speaks English. It should be a fun week as my chinese is very very rusty.Just wanted to check in. Trip is off to a good start. Made it to Shanghai. The city is right out of the Jetsons. I am on the 61st floor of a hotels that starts on the 56th floor, in The Jinmo building, the tallest in China. I had dinner with all the other solar investors. Its a good group. Its led by Jeff Osborne of CIBC who used to work on the Munder Net Net Fund back int 1999 2000. Small World. We just finished dinner. Its a pretty worldy group. There are investors from London, Singapore, San Francisco and other far flung places.OK I have nothing more but just wanted to get into the habit of blogging about my trip.
So it looks like my phone works and Ill have intermitten Internet Service.

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